Our First Calls

Cadet 2024

Cadet: Sanaat

OIC and EMTs: Anmol, Anushka, Vijaya, and Hrishi

July 1st, 2024 

Cadet: Aradhya

OIC and EMTs: Mehul, Bindu, Ruchita, and Michelle

July 2nd, 2024 

Cadet: Ajayram

OIC and EMTs: Anmol and Manoj

July 13th, 2024 

Cadet 2023

Cadet: Aarya

OIC and EMTs: Mehul, Ankit, and Kumar

July 10, 2023

Cadet: Dhruv

OIC and EMTs: Harshit, Mini, and Ravi 

July 21, 2023 

Cadets: Revin and Eliana

OIC and EMTs: Harshit, Chloe, and Marc 

September 16th, 2023 

Cadet: Neeharika

OIC and EMTs: Abhilash, Bindu, Ruchita, and Hrishi

September 19th, 2023 

Cadets: Michelle and Jiya 

OIC and EMTS: Jegan and Bala

October 12th, 2023 

Cadet: Ved 

OIC and EMTs: Don, Eliana, and Kumar

September 16th, 2023 

Cadet: Surabhi 

OIC and EMTs: Shripal, Pradeep, and Arun

November 8th, 2023 

Cadet: Saanvi

OIC and EMTs: Shripal, Nancy, Bala, and Dhruv

December 10th, 2023